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Lower turnover, increase retention, and ensure your leaders have the emotional intelligence skills to create a remarkable culture
Keynotes | Workshops | Coaching

Tessa Brock has dedicated her professional career to exploring behaviors, how our brains impact our responses, and how we can use this to insightful neuroscience to THRIVE, whether that is in the boardroom or the classroom. 


Through her engaging keynote speeches and interactive workshop sessions, Tessa facilitates breakthroughs and shifts, enabling audiences to enhance their self-awareness, develop effective communication, and learn powerful interpersonal skills.

Image by S O C I A L . C U T

For Leaders

Creating workplace culture by cultivating leadership and belonging.

Empty Classroom

For Educators

Empowering the social-emotional well-being of both staff and students to enhance academic outcomes.


"Tessa does an amazing job of providing engaging content that is relevant, practical, and timely."

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