Recently I was helping a dear friend go through some things to do some “spring cleaning”. I offered to run to Walmart to get bins for us to help us sort and organize. I loaded my cart with our identified number of bins and boxes – and my stack was quite high. I worked hard to navigate the cart by looking around the side and walking slower than usual. Even with my purposeful and careful steering – I was surprised by the JOLT of running into a pole while exiting the store. I immediately felt embarrassed – then laughed at myself. Because – why not? I can imagine it was FUNNY to see me have this cart full of bins, to see me peeking off to one side, walking slowly, and still, WHAM! Slam into a pole! 😊 And then again, isn't it funny how we think everyone is watching us? (And they aren't... REALLY!)
This made me think of three important things:
1) Sometimes even our best plans have hiccups. Don’t let it derail you. Course-correct and stay focused on where you want to get!
2) Mindset matters. You don’t have much if you don’t have a positive attitude. Try not to take yourself so seriously, give yourself grace, and enjoy the ride. I recently heard a quote attributed to the singer, Cher, "If this won't matter in 5 years, Let It Go!" :)
3) Remember everyone else has a life they are trying to move through too. As much as we are the center of OUR OWN universe, we aren't the center of everyone else's. (Sorry if that just burst your bubble!) The reality is that this world can be messy and hard enough to move through without focusing on everyone else. People most likely have no idea when you've figuratively "slammed into a pole".
May your week be free of hiccups – and if you do inadvertently slam into a pole, may you course-correct with ease and smile in your own direction!