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New Year Intentions

Welcome to 2025!  Do you have any New Year Rituals?  No, not like resolutions… more like practices to get your mind right for the upcoming year.   I love to do a few New Years Intentions.  I also choose one word for the year that I put several different places to remind me of who or how I want to move through the new year.  I have a friend who sets short and long term (tangible) goals around things that matter to them and then they write those things down.  Each month they check in with themselves to assess their progress.  Some people create visions boards, adopt observer practices to support positive change, burn their wishes, or create accountability partners.  Regardless of your ritual, intentionality is important.  Without a roadmap, we won’t know if we are moving in the direction of our goals and dreams. 


As a Self-Aware Leader, I’m confident you are someone who appreciates opportunities to reflect, assess, and plan forward.  As you look forward into 2025, here are some practices you and/or your team can move through to make sure you are setting the vision and creating the agreements around accountability to maximize success.  

  • Set Intentional Goals Rooted in Your Values: Start the year by reconnecting with what truly matters.

    • What do you want to achieve this year, and why does it matter to you?

    • Ensure your goals align with your values, so your actions feel purposeful and authentic.

  • Prioritize Your Own Well-Being: You can’t pour from an empty cup.

    • What routines or habits will help you feel grounded, energized, and at your best?

    • Commit to caring for yourself first, knowing it creates space for you to show up fully for others.

  • Lead with Gratitude and Connection: Relationships are the foundation of meaningful leadership.

    • How will you start the year by acknowledging the people who have made an impact?

    • Take intentional steps to foster trust, collaboration, and a sense of belonging within your team and community.

  • Revisit and Honor Your Core Values: Your values are your anchor.  They guide your decisions and your leadership.

    • Are you living and leading in alignment with what you believe?

    • How can you create opportunities to bring your values to life for yourself and your team?

  • Step Into Growth with Confidence and Curiosity: The start of the year is an opportunity to lean into growth.

    • What’s one skill, mindset, or habit you are ready to embrace this year?

    • Create space for curiosity and adaptability—both for yourself and the people you lead.

Each new beginning creates an opportunity for you to set or reset your path towards the direction you want to go.  As a Self-Aware Leader, you are charting the course for you and your team.   May you be inspired to identify your most valued goals, be dedicated for the long-haul, and energized as you learn from taking risks and/or celebrate successful outcomes.  



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