Not too long ago I received some hard news. The kind that takes your breath away, makes you want to sit down and cry, or even crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head for a bit (or longer). And although it was tough not to give into the desire to crawl into a hole, I was able to draw on some of the things I've been sharing, and it made things slightly more bearable. In case you're having a "Mama said there'd be days like this" moment, I wanted to share what kept me moving forward:
Remember that this shall pass. I often think of waves on the ocean: they come in forceful, knock us off our feet, and make us feel unstable, but they always (always!) return to the ocean. Hard moments are like that. It does, always, get better. (Sometimes it just takes longer than we'd like.)
Everything is a season. This is similar to the above idea, but I think of winter. Winter can be brutal. It can cause significant damage. AND, the seasons will always change. As much as we love certain seasons, we all experience bitter winters sometimes. We don't know how long "this winter" will last, how hard it will be, what the lasting effects will be... but the season WILL change at some point. Remember your "winter" will change, and Spring is next.
You've survived difficult things before - so you'll get through THIS TOO. The truth is, we don't get to be as old as we are without some significant bumps and bruises. Trust yourself that you have the inner strength to move through this hardship. Lovingly nurture yourself. Rely on others. Be of service. And know that you are resilient.
Guard your thoughts. It's important to feel what you feel - but be aware of indulging "doom and gloom". Be aware if you are spinning in all the "what if's". When you notice your mind in that space, stop yourself. Do a mind interrupt, distract yourself, or change your story - but don't allow yourself to sit and indulge "stinking thinking". It will only drag you down.
Cuddle Up. When you need to, stop and just cuddle up with your favorite blanket. Okay - maybe this one isn't for you, but it totally works for me! :) I love, love, love soft blankets (Yes, I have more than one human needs!) My all time favorite one is a super-duper soft one that says, "Beautiful Girl, You Can Do Hard Things!" Some days, I just pause, grab it, snuggle a bit like I'm a caterpillar, and emerge with slightly more empowerment and resolve.
More than anything, know that hard times can feel all consuming, AND, hard times always pass. You are not alone - and the beauty you bring to this world nobody else can give. As a Self-Aware Leader (TM), daily, you make a difference in the lives you touch. So, give yourself some grace and wiggle room, nurture yourself, and hold on to the "knowing" that this will pass. There may be lessons learned, there may be bruises, but IT WILL GET BETTER.