Eeeekkkk! How are we already halfway through the year????
Some of us make New Years Resolutions. Some of us do not. But most of us make GOALS. And research shows that those who make goals, have a better chance of achieving them. Makes sense, right? :) I mean, we can drive around aimlessly or we can have an idea of where we are headed when we leave the driveway. Having a plan increases the chances of arriving somewhere we WANT to be.
So, whether you made resolutions, goals, or not... let's lovingly pause and do a July check in.
How are you doing? How are things going for you? Are you mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, and financially pleased?
What are you most proud of so far? What do you love about who you are and how you show up? What parts of you do you wish "everyone" could be more like YOU? <3
And, are you satisfied with where you are? Is there anything you want to tweak, change, improve? Is there anything you want to stop doing?
Because time waits for no one... and I've lived long enough in my humanness that there will always be room for improvement (at least for ME!) :) There are definitely things I "rock" at! Those things go in my "Keep and Enhance" column. And others... I'm still, absolutely, a work in progress! :) Those go in my "Let's Create a Plan" column.
How do you want to keep moving forward for the next 6 months? What and how will you keep shining your light? And is there any place you want to adjust to make your light brighter?
Kindly and lovingly take a look. Judgment and criticism aren't helpful. However, honest evaluations are. Think of it as mid-year Spring Cleaning on your life. Most definitely, let's keep what's working - and then, let's work on tossing out or modifying what's not.